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                <% set rs_big=server.createobject("Adodb.RecordSet") rs_big.open "select * from zp_bigclass order by sx asc",conn,1,1 if rs_big.recordcount=0 then else rs_big.PageSize=10 if absolutePage=0 then absolutePage=1 end if rs_big.AbsolutePage=absolutePage for i=0 to rs_big.pagesize if rs_big.eof then exit for end if%> <% id2=int(rs_big("id")) bfl=int(request("bfl")) if bfl=id2 then asa="" else asa="DISPLAY: " end if %>
                "> +  <%=rs_big("bigclassname")%>
                <%set rs_small=server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet") rs_small.open "select * from zp_smallclass where forbigclassid="&rs_big("id")&" order by sx asc",conn,1,1 if rs_small.recordcount<>0 then do while not rs_small.eof%>
                       • "><%=rs_small("smallclassname")%>
                <%rs_small.movenext loop end if rs_small.Close%>
                <%rs_big.movenext next end if%>
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              <%Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") bfl=request("bfl") sfl=request("sfl") if sfl="" then if bfl="" then strsql="select * from zp where shenhe=1 order by id desc" else strsql="select * from zp where shenhe=1 and bigclassid="& bfl &" order by id desc" end if else strsql="select * from zp where shenhe=1 and bigclassid="& bfl &" and smallclassid="& sfl &" order by id desc" end if rs.Open strsql,conn,1,1 if rs.eof then response.write "

              " else rs.movefirst if not isempty(request("page")) then pagecount=cint(request("page")) else pagecount=1 end if rs.pagesize=36 if pagecount>rs.pagecount or pagecount<=0 then pagecount=1 end if rs.AbsolutePage=pagecount %> <%j=1 do while not (rs.eof or err) if (j mod 4)=1 then response.write "" end if%> <%if (j mod 4)=0 then response.write "" end if j=j+1 rs.moveNext if j>36 then exit do loop %>
              " border="0" onMouseOver="this.style.filter='alpha(opacity=100)';high(this)" onmouseout=low(this) style="border:1px solid #000000; margin:4px; CURSOR: hand; ">
              <%end if%>
              <% if rs.pagecount>1 then response.Write "第"&pagecount&"頁/共"&rs.pagecount&"頁  " if pagecount>=5 then if sfl="" then if bfl="" then response.write"<<  " else response.write"<<  " end if else response.write"<<  " end if end if q=(cstr(pagecount)-1)\5 if q<0 then q=1 end if p=(q*5)+1 do while p<((q*5)+6) If p=pagecount Then Response.Write "第 "& p &" 頁  " Elseif p<=rs.pagecount then if sfl="" then if bfl="" then Response.Write"第 "& p &" 頁  " else Response.Write"第 "& p &" 頁  " end if else Response.Write"第 "& p &" 頁  " end if End If p=p+1 loop A=rs.pagecount if (A mod 5)=0 then A=rs.pagecount-1 end if if pagecount<(A\5)*5 then if sfl="" then if bfl="" then response.write">>" else response.write">>" end if else response.write">>" end if end if End If%>


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